Q1-4. Beneath the ocean’s surface waits a different world – quiet, full of wonder, shimmering with life. Carter Viss loved that world. It’s why he left Colorado to study marine biology at Palm Beach Atlantic University. It’s why he got a job at the Loggerhead Marinelife Center, just up Highway 1 on Florida’s east coast. And it’s why he spent so much free time snorkeling in the reef system just a couple of hundred meters away from the famous Breakers resort in Palm Beach.
This particular Thursday morning – 28 November 2019 was especially nice. It was Thanksgiving. Tourists and locals alike hit the beaches. The water was flat, the sky blue and the underwater visibility spectacular. Twenty-five year old Viss and his 32-year-old co- worker, Andy Earl, spent a couple of hours among the sharks oeels, turtles, octopus, lionefish and angelfish. They netted some small specimens for Viss’s personal collection, Finally, around moon, they headed for shore.
To a diver underwater, outboard engines have a clear, unmistakable sound. On the surface. however, swimming the crawl, Viss didn’t hear the powerboat until it was almost on top of him. When he saw it, he knew he had just an instant. He pulled desperately to one side. getting his head and upper torso out of the boat’s path before it ran him over.
1. From among the four options given, choose the word in the passage that means the same as “breathtaking”
(1) Shimmering
(2) Especially
(3) Spectacular
(4) Inhaling
(1) 1
(2) 2
(3) 3
(4) 4
2. From among the four options given, choose the word in the passage that means the opposite of unclear’
(2) Wonder
(3) Visibility
(4) Desperately
(1) 1
(2) 2
(3) 3
3. Why was 28 November 2019 particularly suitable for snorkeling?
(1) It was Thanksgiving
(2) It was a clear day and the underwater visibility was spectacular
(3) The water was full of people in powerboats
(4) The beaches were full of tourists and locals
(1) 1
(2) 2
(3) 3
(4) 4
4. Why did Viss move from Colorado to Palm Beach?
(1)To collect underwater specimens for his collection
(2) To work with Andy Earl
(3) To study marine biology
(4) To celebrate Thanksgiving
(1) 1
(2) 2
(3) 3
(4) 4